So I am a terrible blogger. I haven't kept up with this as much as I thought I would. A few months ago I went to Yosemite National Park for the first time. It was amazing. The most surprising thing for me is how accessible the park is. To clarify, all the trails were paved and those famous Ansel Adams pics were mostly taken from right off the trails. The only reason the average person couldn't take the same pics he took then today is 1. the landscape has changed 2. they don't have the same skill level to take the same quality of pic as Ansel Adams. It was so weird coming from Alaska to a national park where the trails were so not rugged. It was winter, so climbing half dome was out of the question. And almost every trail I went on, hardly anyone was there. That's the good thing about visiting in winter; you are basically alone. Also, the cold air created a layer of fog in the mornings that was really pretty.
The fog picture I took when I went on a photography walk with a guide from the Ansel Adams Gallery. It was free, and fun, and I met people who are WAY more into photography than I could ever be. Being an Alaska resident, I also found it funny to watch people trying to walk on ice. I saw a European guy trying to use a walking stick and slip almost into a split. And a Hawaii resident slipped and almost fell underneath Carl, my van.