Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Rebel

So in March 2008, I bought a Kirby Sentria vacuum. I always had this June Clever vacuuming in pearls and heels fantasy. Don't ask me why, I'm sure a therapist would link that to a lot of archaic ideas I had about marriage. It doesn't really fit with the other facets of my personality; no wonder that lifestyle didn't work for me.

But that's not the reason why I bought it. I definitely have a love of vacuuming. There is just something so cool about vacuuming and then seeing how much grossness I pulled from the carpets. I don't think that will ever change. I used to be totally anal about cleaning. Not so much anymore. I mostly let mess pile up and then have a cleaning spree. But I still enjoy the cleaning.

So maybe it is symbolic that I feel like my vacuum is an unnecessary extravagance for me right now and I don't have any use for it. I paid 1,000 for the Kirby, and we has some good times. But what am I going to do with a 1,000 vacuum now? I don't want to be a housewife and who knows where I will be living in the next few years.

So for a while now I have really wanted an SLR camera. When I was hired by United, I was going to use the bonus after training to buy a Cannon Rebel. But I ended up choosing to work for Continental. So no camera.

Well, now is the time! The money I can get from selling the vacuum is the same as buying a Rebel plus a zoom lens and accessories. I'm surfing amazon right now....

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