Sunday, December 27, 2009

So thanks to the awesome AZ, I have struck a deal on a new vehicle. It's not a vanagon, but it's better as it has a bathroom. I am really hoping the guy doesn't back out on the deal before I can pay him. It was 6,000 and its a '95 Dodge Horizon B class RV. So watch out road, here I come (maybe).

I have been going through my stuff and it looks like I can fit everything I need in what I take with me on the plane. I'm going to check a box of kitchen stuff for the van and some sheets. Everything else, I won't need-- curtains, dishes, and some books. I will finally be able to get rid of stuff I don't need and simplify. I feel like stuff just ties me down.

Oh yeah, and this weird thing happened the other morning. Sometimes when I wake up and something is bothering me, it will hit me all at once. Like I had forgotten and then all of a sudden, "crap, I have that thing I have to deal with that I'd rather forget about." Well that happened to me the other morning, but this time, shortly after, I realized that the crappy thing had happened in the book I was reading before I went to bed. How crazy is that? So congratulations Terry Goodkind, for writing such kick ass books that I am briefly in a bad mood in the morning due to plot lines.

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