Sunday, March 14, 2010


So I am a terrible blogger. I haven't kept up with this as much as I thought I would. A few months ago I went to Yosemite National Park for the first time. It was amazing. The most surprising thing for me is how accessible the park is. To clarify, all the trails were paved and those famous Ansel Adams pics were mostly taken from right off the trails. The only reason the average person couldn't take the same pics he took then today is 1. the landscape has changed 2. they don't have the same skill level to take the same quality of pic as Ansel Adams. It was so weird coming from Alaska to a national park where the trails were so not rugged. It was winter, so climbing half dome was out of the question. And almost every trail I went on, hardly anyone was there. That's the good thing about visiting in winter; you are basically alone. Also, the cold air created a layer of fog in the mornings that was really pretty.

The fog picture I took when I went on a photography walk with a guide from the Ansel Adams Gallery. It was free, and fun, and I met people who are WAY more into photography than I could ever be. Being an Alaska resident, I also found it funny to watch people trying to walk on ice. I saw a European guy trying to use a walking stick and slip almost into a split. And a Hawaii resident slipped and almost fell underneath Carl, my van.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

So I visited a friend from college recently on my travels and it was a very self-enlightening experience. The whole cliche of how you learn about yourself from others. I realized that in college, I went through a phase where I was selfish, overly emotional, and drank too much. It's hard to describe what I learned from all of this without sounding mean about my friend, but I would say that I am much happier not being the way I was. And it helped me to see things from an outside perspective. I wish I could help my friend, but I know when I was in college, I felt that I didn't need any help. I didn't take criticism well, had low self esteem, and was very emotional. Being with Alan and traveling and having to be more flexible in life, brought me to that turning point. For the first time, I am living the life I have always wanted, and I feel confident with pursuing goals, and I am okay with being single. I don't think I'll ever be normal, but I would say I'm a normal weirdo :).

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

So it's been a while, and I have been a lot of places. There is an amazing amount of clarity after things are accomplished. It's weird that way; sometimes I wish I could just figure things out in my own head, but I seem to need to do things first. The national parks were great. I do wish there was less snow. Later I'll write about what I remember about each one. The last stop before I arrived in Durham, NC, where I am now, was at Moundville, AL. There I went to a mound archeological park. It was really nice how they had it set up. I went for a bike ride around and it was a nice day. They had stations where you could call a number on your cell and hear a narrative of what you were looking at. It was here that I realized I am done with anthropology as a career option. I will always be into anthro, but I can't see myself being in it as a job. And it seems weird to say, but the reason is that I think I would be bored. I like museums, but I think it would be a waste to go back to school to get a master's, and maybe not even find a job, and if I do, who is to say it will be something interesting. I mean, I liked seeing the mounds, but I'd be so bored working with them all day every day. I just don't know how academic of a person I am when it comes to a career. And when I say academic, I mean careers where people have their Phd and do research and stuff. ZZZZZzzz.

As far as being a park ranger, I could see myself doing that. I had some really awesome interactions with some rangers in the parks I went to. I just don't know if being in that job and the lifestyle is for me just yet. Basically, you have a roommate and move every six months... that's fine, but I have this dog....

I have decided that I need to find a place to live next. No snow... I really hate the cold. And I feel lethargic and want to sleep when it is cold. I am really thinking about trying again for nursing school. Before, I didn't give it much effort, and I was so unmotivated and didn't have much confidence. But this time, I'm going to give it a go and see what happens. The reasons for nursing is that I like science, the weird schedules keep me from getting bored, there are jobs EVERYWHERE so I won't be wasting my time in school, while people are annoying, I didn't mind taking care of them when I was a flight attendant, and I am a total people watcher--I like to meet new people and hear their stories. So it's good to have goals; they keep me motivated. I already have a BA so I can get it all done in about two years once I start. I didn't work hard for my BA and make the best of it, so it will be nice to go back to school and do my best.